Friday, 4 January 2008

Do you still use libraries?

It is now widely believed that people turn to the Internet, rather than visit libraries in person. Indeed, in Ireland, there has been the suggestion that the Internet has influenced genealogy, with the outcome that visits to Ireland related to genealogy have declined.

However, a recently published Pew report in the USA, states that most adults still use libraries, challenging the belief that the Internet has reduced library use.

Pew Internet & American Life Project Survey, "Information Searches That Solve Problems: How People Use the Internet, Government Agencies, and Libraries When They Need Help."

What do you think of this survey? How do you use the Internet and/or libraries? Has the Internet reduced your use of libraries? Your visits to Ireland and/or Irish libraries/archives/institutions? Tell us about your last visit and when you plan to visit the Emerald Isle again.

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